How would you like to have a completely automated, high-converting client attraction system up-and-running in 14 business days?!
(Get New Clients & Customers, Grow Your Email List & Increase Sales The Hassle-free Way)Imagine…
Hot new leads on your list every month who are…
Highly-qualified. A large list means nothing if the people on your list aren’t your ideal client or customer.
Feeling loved. Your brand-spanking new automated customer attraction and nurture system provides value + the know, like, trust factor.
Ready to buy. these fresh, eager leads now love you and your products/programs/services and are ready to invest.
Let us build you a completely automated client/customer attraction system that helps you find your ideal clients and customers while nurturing & educating your leads; releasing you from the hassle of time-consuming and tech-heavy busy work, so you can spend your time doing what you brings you joy instead.
A Done-For-You Automated Client Attraction System
This white glove, turn-key system can grow your list exponentially each month with high-quality subscribers through our signature lead generation opt-in and automated nurture/sales funnel.
No more wasting time or money.
With the ever-changing digital marketing landscape plus the short attention spans of our modern world, you’ve got to find a way to stand out and engage your audience quickly.
While paying for ads on popular social media platforms used to be a highly effective way to find your ideal customers and build your business, these platforms’ constantly shifting algorithms and rules for posting ads has become a hindrance to finding clients as well as an overpriced method for targeting your ideal customer.
In addition, social media platforms own and hold your leads. You can’t speak to your ideal customer and your reach is limited as these platforms no longer show your posts to all of your followers…and that’s not what you want. You want to own your leads and be able to communicate with them personally; especially since social media platforms come and go.
Don’t spend thousands or even tens of thousands per month to build a following that you can’t access if a social media platform changes their policies or outright disappears into the ether. In fact, you could lose access to your entire following after you’ve spent tons of time and money to grow it – if the platform disappears tomorrow, you’ll be left holding a painstakingly expensive empty bag.
Our remedy to this enormous problem in digital marketing is to build custom systems for your business where you own all your leads and can connect with them directly so you can nurture, educate and sell your products/programs/services to your growing community without relying on platforms that come-and-go or expensive and ineffective ad spends.
What You Get:
A 60-minute strategy session + funnel therapy rolled into one!
A full tech build-out for your automated client attraction systems which includes…
1. Landing Page or Opt-in Form designed to fit seamlessly with your website
2. High Converting Lead Generator targeted to your ideal customer’s needs
3. Automated Client Attraction System Design consistent with your business brand palette and voice
4. All Copy writing & Design for Your High Converting Lead Generator
5. Tech Build out Attaching Lead Generator to an Email Subscription Service so you can capture those high quality leads and build your community.
A completely automated nurture/sales funnel which includes:
1. Automated Email Communication Funnel: A 5 Email nurture/sales sequence that creates the know-like-trust factor to convert and increase your program/product/service sales.
2. Copywriting: Content at its finest! Conversion copywriting created for your nuture/sales sequence written in your brand voice.
3. Complete Tech Build-out: Long gone are the days of tech headaches! We create and design the system architecture and do the complete tech buildout for your automated email funnel within your email subscription service.
How it works:
Step 1: You complete an in-depth Discovery Questionnaire so we get to know YOU, your business, your programs/products/services and your financial goals.
Step 2: We analyze your website, brand voice and ICA.
Step 3: We send you a list of info and graphics we will need to begin the buildout.
Step 4: You send us the info and graphics items requested and we begin the tech buildout and copywriting!
Step 5: We build your complete, automated lead generation system and nurture/sales funnel within 14 days!
It’s just that simple to get UNstuck.
Now you can FINALLY build your client/customer list and increase your income in an automated way without any of the tech headache and stress.
Ready to get started?
We are always transparent and would NEVER want to waste your time by requiring you to contact us to get our pricing, or to dupe you into a high-pressure sales call with us, so, we put our service fees right out there in the open so you know immediately if we’re a fit for your budget. We welcome you to contact us though if you have any questions about our services.
Total Automated Client Attraction System with Lead Generation Strategy, Sales/Nurture Funnel and System Build-out Cost:
(ongoing monthly management available for $3500/month)- Comprehensive Customer/Client Attraction System Build Out in 14 Days!
- Lead Generation Strategy
- High-Converting Landing Page + Copy
- Automated Sales & Nurture System Build Out
- Conversion Copy for Sales & Nurture Email Series
Start Forging Your Path to a Successful Business Today!
Mailing Address
1321 Upland Dr., PMB 17214 Houston, TX 77043
Email Us
sayhi [@]